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I’ve been listening to Elvis for months now. It’s the first time in my life, aside from what I’ve heard on the radio, that I’ve given him my attention, and I’m captivated! He was a consummate musician and entertainer. Even though I knew he was famous for his hip movements, I honestly had had no […]



As a gentle rain falls through the reds, yellows and greens of the autumnal trees, I sit back for a moment to fully appreciate this amazing time we’re living through. With the NY Supreme Court yesterday ruling against Covid mandates by reinstating unvaxxed employees and ordering backpay, this paves the way for (inter?) national lawsuits! […]

Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You

We’re about to enter a very chaotic time when it becomes difficult to discern which way is up and who to trust. Remember that you have the potential to connect with Divine energy to help you figure it all out. I wrote the poem for The Right Time in 1989 as a gift for a […]

Kingston NY

Kingston NY

A City in Action From Revolutionary historical sites to fabulous restaurants and clubs & theaters, with proximity to the Hudson River, NYC & Woodstock, and plenty of surrounding farms and mountains….. Kingston is a diverse and engaged community. Like every place it has its problems but there’s excellent housing, parks, culture, museums etc. It’s a […]



They call it RED OCTOBER and the bombs are going off all over the place. Pipelines and Bridges and Court Rooms and Chambers of Government! Oh my! 25 Part Series: The Fall of the Cabal. (Janet Osgaard) This is the quintessential investigative reporting documentary that explores the orgins and development of the Cabal, and how […]

My Videos

I’ve been having a ball, making short videos these past few years and I look forward to expanding my reach with longer formats, better equipment and more significant subjects. SOON!!! Except where obviously NOT, it is all my photography, vidoegraphy, words, music, design and performance. Here are a few of my favorite shorts from the […]